15 Major Facts About The Himalayan Griffon Vulture

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15 Major Facts About The Himalayan Griffon Vulture: The Himalayan Griffon vulture is also known as Himalayan vulture. Its scientific name is Gyps himalayensis. Here are the list of 15 major facts about the Himalayan griffon vulture.

15 Major Facts About The Himalayan Griffon Vulture

1. The scientific name of the Himalayan Griffon Vulture is Gyps himalayensis. It is also known as Himalayan vulture.

2. The Himalayan Griffon Vulture is an Old World vulture in the family Accipitridae.

3. The Himalayan griffon vulture is one of the two largest Old World vultures and true raptors.

4. The Himalayan griffon is closely related to the European Griffon, Gyps fulvus.

5. The Himalayan vulture is a typical vulture with a bald white head, very broad wings, and short tail feathers.

6. The Himalayan griffon has a white neck ruff and yellow bill and the whitish body and wing cover contrast with the dark flight feathers.

7. The Himalayan vulture lives mainly in the higher regions of the Himalayas on the Tibetan Plateau. It is also found in the Central Asian mountains.

8. Occasionally, The Himalayan griffon migrates to norther India but migration usually only occurs altitudinally.

9. The Himalayan griffons are monogamous and pairs return to the same nesting and roosting sites from year to year.

10. The Himalayan griffons are diurnal (active during the day) and mostly solitary species.

11. Adult Himalayan Griffon Vultures are large birds with a wingspan ranging from 8-10 feet.

12. The Himalayan Griffon are scavengers and primarily feed on carrion. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance by cleaning up animal remains.

13. In the wild, the Himalayan Griffon Vultures can live up to 30 years.

14. The Himalayan Griffon vultures are social birds. It is found in large flocks.

15. The Himalayan griffon vulture is classified as Near Threatened by the IUCN.

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By Ravi
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